Wednesday, August 11, 2010

An interesting night in Banani

This has been an interesting night. On the way home my translator asked me if I was scared when I was on the boat on Friday...hmmm. Now both he and Bilqis have expressed some fear of boats since I've been here, which I find kind of silly from people living in a country full of rivers. Later tonight I ate dinner at Star Kabab and saw the biggest cockroach I've ever seen in my life - I honestly thought it was a mouse at first. My stomach contemplated revolt since the critter was roaming around the place where I just ate dinner, but it decided to stay calm in the end. Later still I had some deliciously overpriced gelato (it cost nearly as much as my dinner, but the frerro rochet flavor was amazing) and then went to the market to look for a stationary shop that was still open for a new planner. I didn't find such a shop so I bought some gum from a stand run by a cross eyed man and a young boy who asked if I was from Pakistan or Australia...but come to think of it he may have been talking about cricket. If he was I must have sounded pretty stupid saying "America" in response since most of us don't even know how to play cricket, myself included. Anyway, that was definitely the most interesting night I've had in Banani, so I thought I'd share.

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